Posts tagged with "strange"

Maker & Denier

Maker & Denier

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

February 24, 2023

A moment’s spell is all it tookFor the soul-rite accomplished in heart,By formulae higher than any s

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Thy Traits

Thy Traits

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 14, 2022

The heart is a wasteland parched and dryWhere once the waters of emotion flowed,Long flowed here the

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Sonnet- An Invocation to the Master

February 3, 2022

Strange is the manner of Thy loving,An anvil for bed and hammer to kiss,A furnace to ease passions g

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Battler Divine

Battler Divine

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

November 7, 2021

What strange breath courses through nowExhaling a little of myself in every turn,I shed aspects like

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As Thou Wilt

As Thou Wilt

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 5, 2021

Now is season for strange phenomenon,A richly replete and crowded nightConfining to all norms ever s

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Hundred Hundred Cycles

Hundred Hundred Cycles


February 18, 2021

Lives and loves I have shed like the mulberry in autumn,Withered becomings all snapped and floating

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New Battle

New Battle


January 15, 2021

My slate is emptied of all scrawls,The chalked figurines laboriously drawnOf conceptions made throug

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Reluctant Wanderer

Reluctant Wanderer


November 12, 2020

My days wander in a field of trancesBearing strange moods, stranger thoughts,Each step is made throu

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Spirit Fever

Spirit Fever

A Sonnet

December 15, 2017

My being burns and aches all overInfected by a strange spirit fever.What cure shall I seek to healTh

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