Reluctant Wanderer


Published on November 12, 2020

Reluctant Wanderer

Reluctant Wanderer


Athena revealing to Odysseus the island of Ithaca, Oil on Canvas by Giuseppe Bottani

My days wander in a field of trances
Bearing strange moods, stranger thoughts,
Each step is made through straggling knots,
I make it to night but by the graces.

The dark robed night with dark voice
Whispers of sweet precipice and doom,
Always it seeks an unwary poise’s room
To nudge me down to the Abyss.

But I now have grown crafty and slyly wise
Having endured their gambit moments
By long harsh period of endurance.
I now await in their wiles a new surprise.

O Odysseus, reluctant wanderer homebound,
I know what stung thee and thy grievous wound.