Posts tagged with "battle"

Remember Us

Remember Us

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

May 7, 2022

What reveries are there full of collisionsOf the pasts unnumbered and the present,Herein intrude too

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These Battles

These Battles

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

November 13, 2021

Is this how Thou created this worldRaising it from a heap of impossibilities,Erecting hued warmth in

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My Captain

My Captain

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

October 25, 2021

Am I Thy straggling soldier in every marchDragging boots o’er steep hill and ravine,The dead riverba

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Her I Worship

Her I Worship


February 19, 2021

Her I worship, the battler-divine, mother of heroes,Fosterer of aryan-stock, warriors of honed will,

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Yagña’s Device

Yagña’s Device


February 17, 2021

A thousand fires clamour in me, each a flame torchOf will dipped in burning splendour of the spirit,

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New Battle

New Battle


January 15, 2021

My slate is emptied of all scrawls,The chalked figurines laboriously drawnOf conceptions made throug

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The Divine Warrior

The Divine Warrior

A Sonnet

June 27, 2020

There is a battle sans killing steel,Or crash of flesh on flesh to feel.No banner of Nations flutter

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A Poem

June 17, 2020

A lone night on a skyward stair,Through snow chill of mountain air,A company of hero-wills marched,T

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A Sonnet

September 22, 2018

I remember the old wounds galoreOnly a world of pain my sole store.Relentless was the battle and fur

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God’s Breath

God’s Breath

A Sonnet

November 14, 2017

It was seeded in a cosmic drowseThe root and tree of Night’s house.To wither and perish never to blo

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September 27, 2017

Once again comes the demon willLured by shades of every perverse thrill.Coarse, obtuse and an adaman

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