Deny Not
Published on February 20, 2023

Deny Not
Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #47
From how many visages wouldst Thou frown
Dampening each limb of my fervent ardour,
Yanking every step of the impossible ladder
That makes every hour twixt dusk to dawn.
From how many lips wouldst Thou disdain
The labour I eek through this murky twilight,
I forage through debris of feeling and thought
To offer Thee every better sliver therein.
From how many hearts wouldst Thou spurn
All the sublimities my heart could conceive;
Though wearied in body and each nerve
I wring this missive for Thee O reluctant One!
Oh deny not my seeking flame and pining ember,
I’ll pursue all Thy forms with a plea and a prayer.