A Soliloquy

Poem — An Invocation To The Master #379

Published on June 11, 2022

A Soliloquy

A Soliloquy

Poem — An Invocation To The Master #379

Wither O rebellion, O vainglorious fool,
To what end all the drama of thy scheming,
The candles that perish in thy nightly vigil
Brewing o’er wrongs of moments overbearing.

Thinkest thou O rash incompetent villain
To exceed the tyranny of the One, absolute 
Is His hegemony over each manifest domain
And thy bold plan is but a dreaming naught.

What implements wilt thou bring to bear,
From which of nature’s forces shalt recruit 
The troops to assuage thy lone despair,
For all is His, soul and mind and the vital brute.

Oh these shall betray thee at His merest hint:
Thy heart shall sing and lose its vehemence,
Mind lay prone in a ecstasy fiery and abrupt
And the vital turncoat shall switch allegiance!

Thy soul shall thy enemy grow and vouch
To Him fealty forever for all ages to come,
And blame thy being for villainy much
And thou shalt stand alone in fallen shame.

O piteous fool dreaming of absent boldness,
Wilt thou march to His subtle-cast castle, 
Enter the chamber of that magnificence
And can gaze at that splendour and marvel?

Thy lips shall fall in an obeisance silent
And refuse thee all argument in words,
Thy limbs in veneration grow quiescent 
And leave thee like a villain fangless!

Heed then O hot blooded incompetent fool,
Tyrant though He is, He remains thy Master still.