

Published on September 22, 2020




Stranger I must tarry but a moment here
For am summoned to tasks by one most dear.
My tale is long and through varied roads it winds,
Yet must I leave a gist for thee and other minds.

Trust not desire, that ravishing alluring thief,
It shall leave thee a mere bark without a leaf!
The pleasure thou needest not desire itself
That is in thy grasp by querying thy self.

Incapacity shall besiege thee at each step,
Trust to none but from thy self draw all help.
Hard is the path for the mind and little ego,
The pride of form and knowing thou must forego.

Death is but a door we all must cross
But let it not burden all thy thoughts.
Bear this flame of truth in thy blind breast
For thy hero-soul of many lives needs no rest.

This secret I shall leave with thee for now,
Thou too art He and in his image will grow.