Guide -Part I
Published on July 23, 2020

Guide -Part I
In the beginning I did wonder,
At idea of Thee and thy splendour.
The idea Thou art God and infinity,
Was a sweet thrill to heart of me.
If Thou wert there, then I must see
Was the thought that possessed me.
My toddler mind seized by this mood,
Drew no savour from life or food.
Then breaching my garrisons did Thou,
Dispatch sentinels to my dreams somehow!
O the messages shining and cryptic,
Half-turned me into a brooding mystic.
Then Thy orchestrating will winged in
When all Life turned Thy strategy playing.
The old curves all fell, none could save,
Only could foster what Thou didst give.
O that exile through cities teeming,
Yet deserts with dead sands brimming.
The gaunt visages and moth-eaten facades,
Grotesque masked shapes which breathes.
I journeyed through that desperate air,
Clawing my way with none to care.
I cried for aid, for Thee to arrive,
I clutched at every clue to strive.
I cried in despair, “Sire, show me the way
In mundane roads let me not stray!”
Thou answered in recognition of a book,
That I in years past unthinking took.
In it were a world of words magical,
Unfolding by each page my inner miracle.
The veils fell in cascades and they still do,
By each page I inch my being to the True.
Love I sought and love Thou denied,
“Thou art cruel, of heart bereft!”, I decried.
Even tears transgressed some law cruel,
I was furiously dismayed, itched for a duel.
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