Woo Me No More


Published on March 11, 2021

Woo Me No More

Woo Me No More


No more alone burn I, many a distant fire now is near,
My being’s night is crowded by constellations many,
The remote Name that alights on tongue to savour,
Has seized my vacant breast to reside permanently.

Am become a mute miracle, a flower of hued spectacle,
A glistening pearl shut in a shell of silence under a raging sea,
The roars above are muted to whispers that gently trickle
Like a lullaby sung by all the burgeoning worlds just for me.

How many marvels wilt Thou mount for my sole enjoying,
What expenditure has thou not spared for my single upkeep?
Night’s rick black silk, the silver moon all brightly shining,
A new sun for each day with preposterous light Thou doth ship.

Woo me no more, am given to Thee body, bone and soul,
O Paramour mine, and Thine too all my cherishings whole.