This Ruin

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #331

Published on April 18, 2022

This Ruin

This Ruin

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #331

Slowly slowly Thou didst enter like a white rumour,
A bright conspiracy was set aflame within my being
And each part in this conflagration didst enter
My being the fuel for this soul-flame burning.

Slyly slyly Thou didst foster twixt each a doubt,
The mind against heart and heart against mind,
No part could then stand confidently bright
For by doubt they both were rendered blind.

Shyly shyly Thou didst seed in me an adoration
That adamantly turned every strand of ardour 
Towards Thee like every river to its ocean,
Where Thy will leadst I amble or leap there.

Slowly, slyly, shyly Thou hast sowed blue anarchy,
My soul from this ruin and smoke awakens for Thee.