Trail of Dusks
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #70
Published on July 18, 2021

Trail of Dusks
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #70
Wither this trail of dusks interminable,
How many settings to herald Night?
Each new twilight is more abominable
Than the one before leaving my sight.
What strange Night is this in me
Caring not for the common solar cycle,
Insisting only on its dark wizardry
Conjuring upon me its effects surreal.
The only leeway is by striving pen
That must through a musing crevice
Sneak covertly an inspiring motion
Into my station here in an abyss.
O pent-up Sun, O Dweller in body’s cells,
Wake Thee and myself from somnolent spells!