Whoever Thou Art


Published on November 2, 2020

Whoever Thou Art

Whoever Thou Art


A strange continent has overlaid unseen
Upon the erstwhile pittance of my being.
My tides have all grown even and serene
In this wide phase of a new beginning.

The shores of my memory a pristine white,
Grey cliff walls of old despair do appear
Like hulking ghosts bereft of their fright,
My awareness wanders sans any fear.

Lo, behold the night clouds are girdled
With the soft glow of a dawn’s light,
The black night-ink diluted with a red
Or crimson hue, Rudra’s dear favourite.

My days flow like pristine pages turned
By some artist hand of taste delicate,
Pouring his muse on the hours charmed
With a profound script of change definite.

A threshold is crossed of fate and destiny,
The old gods send their first bright scouts
On a reconnaissance of terrain within me,
I already quiver to approach of their thoughts.

I have primed my seven known mystic fires,
My will is deployed too above and below
To yet unknown yet perceived waystations,
For blazing milestones the gods to follow.

Whoever Thou art, architect of my change,
Beauteous or dire, benign or maleficent,
Bring Thou heights and depths of thy range,
Spanning heaven and earth, day and night.