

Published on October 2, 2020




Battle of Salamis by Wilhelm von Kaulbach

O trooper, trooper where goest thou
In night of alarm that horrors show.
Linger by our abode shielded from harm
For dangers there abide we must warn.

O trooper, trooper bearing arms quaint,
How wilt thou fend the forces of night?
For thou art alone like a tiny little star
To alone face the immense sky in war.

O trooper, trooper of too few goodbyes
Linger awhile to soothe our teary eyes.
Clasp a little longer the infant and old
For thy arms of strength in stories to be told.

O trooper, trooper bearing in thy banner 
Our security of seasons, autumn to winter.
Rice and corn we will sow for reaping
Rich harvest but our hearts for thee weeping.

O trooper, trooper wilt thou gladly remember
Our song of thee in thy shock and clamour?
Thy body a chalice of hero-blood to expend
By thy valour cherished freedom to defend.

O trooper, trooper hero of all our morrows,
Our sword of peace, our slayer of sorrows.
Our each wills we bind to thy sacred sword
To sharpen its edge by one hundred fold.

O trooper, trooper spare for us a word
For thy speech as war-song to be heard.
In our lullabies shall be thy haloed story,
For thou shalt live for ever in our memory.

A trooper am I assigned to distant earth
To confront night and its dance of death.
I fear not maim and horror and their kin
In these battles since when time did begin.

A trooper am I of the forces of light
Armed by god and destiny for this fight.
Shed no tear O cherished hearts of mine
For in long cycles of time we shall meet again.

Hope in your hearts, courage in your arms,
Stay valiant in all hours for hearth and farms.
Sing loudly, sing boldly the songs of valour,
Rear more heroes for our future to deliver.

Now I plunge through clouds a lightning-spear,
To rid earth of nights and their sorrows and fear.