Oh Night
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #95
Published on August 11, 2021

Oh Night
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #95
Ah Night, clandestine mistress,
In thy covert black shade our rendezvous,
Peddling to heart all thy fruits luscious
By slow revealing my soul to woo.
Ah Night, patroness of abyss,
Encroaching upon mind and day
Not content being nether’s empress,
Alluring my all to temptation’s way.
Ah Night, whisperer dearly sweet,
Bridging our daily roads to doom
By thy error’s generous grant
Filling us whole without room.
Ah Night, fickleness incarnate,
Thy traits I have wed too deep,
To thee I must now be unchaste
For an amorous Sun has me in its grip.
Oh Night, dark beauty,
Soothing nurse of toils,
Forego thy tastes for me,
I must leave thee hence.
Oh Night, if thou must meet again
My heart, ascend to the coast of gold
That ranges borders of that Sun,
There we can dally, thou and I transmuted.
Our two lips can then share the anthem
And bask forever in the glory of Him!
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