Posts tagged with "man"

Thus I Am

Thus I Am

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master

May 19, 2022

What is man but a knot of forcesWoven by Nature upon loom of life,In all his works are found the the

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Ends of the Ages

Ends of the Ages

Poem — An Invocation to the Master

March 18, 2022

What expense of thought and feeling have I sparedIn pursuit and worship of Thee who art yet afar?Ric

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Thy Serfs

Thy Serfs

Poem — An Invocation to the Master

February 28, 2022

Oh I wish Thee better men,Just as Thee of make uncommon;

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An Incarnate

An Incarnate

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

December 19, 2021

What hast Thou done unto me,What greatening change begins its unfolding?How could one mortal breast

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Soul Master

Soul Master

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

October 26, 2021

I wander like a bodied wraith hollowed out,Thoughts pass through me like the wind,The emotions bring

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Helm Our Days

Helm Our Days

Poem — An Invocation to The Mother

April 11, 2021

Hurry O men from the sleeping drowse,Waken your thoughts to the sunrise hour,For the night has yield

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January 21, 2021

Grudge me not O sun for I eschew thy rays,Thy paltry dawns alighting the brows of men.Grudge me not

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December 29, 2020

Meagre are my means in this cycle,Ordained by Thee this generous povertyStifling the graceful roads

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A Soliloquy

A Soliloquy


October 10, 2020

Is there a thing am not bound to in kinship?To all things high or vile I feel a friendship.In the co

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The Cure

The Cure

Poem-Part 2

September 21, 2020

Across the lands the pyres bloomed like deadly weedAnd sowed again in vulnerable minds fear’s seed.T

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The Seer

The Seer

Part 2-Poem

August 16, 2020

The ground he prepared for a nation to rouse,To open eyes of those who to spirit yet were close,A la

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A Sonnet

June 15, 2020

In a pristine lab of scientific will,A coat of white masked all ill.A tiny parcel of engineered mali

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A God’s Yoga

A God’s Yoga

On Record of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo

May 12, 2019

Author’s Note - The history of man is replete with many thinkers, great lives and hearts, that have

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A Sonnet

March 23, 2019

My body is as an altar marred,By a strange fire that all has scarred.My mind is a ruin of thoughts b

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All Men are Echoes

All Men are Echoes

A Poem

October 21, 2017

All men are echoes, the wave most recentOf deeds long past, their authors beyond repent.As in a cruc

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A Sonnet

October 14, 2017

These eyes a window to play of lifeDrinks by sight jostle and the strife.The coarse skinned and tend

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Soliloquies in Yoga — 2

Soliloquies in Yoga — 2

How very often upon the fragile beings of men are thrust the persistent demands of aspiration. How v

April 22, 2017

How very often upon the fragile beings of men are thrust the persistent demands of aspiration. How v

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