The Cure
Poem-Part 2
Published on September 21, 2020

The Cure
Poem-Part 2
Across the lands the pyres bloomed like deadly weed
And sowed again in vulnerable minds fear’s seed.
This siege on mind and heart by an evil architecture,
Sustained by brokers of science and the chief propagator.
All profited by this culling of man, as deer of tiger hunt
Feeds scraps to vultures and stripped bone for hyena meant.
Elsewhere two poises of unearthly mint and sunlit brow
Mused on this quandary in silence for some light to throw.
Said the First, “The old foe is back again, armed anew
With better spells, possesses effective infestation’s clue.
This siege is on multiple fronts, chiefly mind and vital,
But its deadliest thrust and armoury is on the physical.
All solutions science can conceive skim only the surface,
Hardly can these concoctions this pestilence can efface.
What thinkest thou, is it time to venture this grim field,
Erect once more the Yantra, propitiate the mystic shield?”
Replied the Second, “Thou seest subtle through this haze,
Intuits the threads of causation of this dark interference.
But would the yantras of old suffice for this new menace,
Too widespread this pestilence, even Earth wears a grimace!
Adequate we to this vast enterprise with our little wills?”
First said, “Forget not this dictum, who at all acts
Through the maze of our being and our lucid thoughts,
Who arrives armed with luminescence to untie our knots.
We are but the front, a shaped body-shell upholding
By cleansed ego and purified vital the spirit indwelling.
Our luminous thoughts are but shadows of a higher light,
By gifts of muse and its invocation this we must fight.
Not as men by reason chained we must perforce act,
We must venture the hidden roots and sunder their pact.
A little we know of the Abyss, the grim foundation,
From there these draw power of dark ruination.
This no job for us two, we must beseech a power greater;
We must propitiate Her, She seated atop the Golden-Flower,
Hers the invincible Sceptre and Hers the imperial Will,
By a symbol labour of yagña Her action we must compel.
Prepare now the ground for our forthcoming summons,
Sound now the call for allies from our white conch-horns.
Let them stand arrayed with us or by the insidious,
By their stance hidden allegiances should be obvious.”
A pregnant lull fell upon the scene presaging actions occult,
A silent preparation was underway for this mission difficult.
The two went about with their masks of a common face,
Of such exertions were capable few of the human race.
For a little ego front and mind is not all that men are,
In them too is light that kindles far heaven and the star.
PS: To be continued..
Yagña: A mystic and symbolic action, sometimes accompanied by external paraphernalia, but chiefly distinguished by a very specific configuration of will within the performer of such action. Conventionally rendered as sacrifice, which is a very minor understanding of the whole affair.
Yantra: Occult device made of various diagrams, often geometric and/or even iconic, energised by a will risen above the common type becomes capable of holding some energy to accomplish ends conceived by its maker.
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