A Soliloquy


Published on October 10, 2020

A Soliloquy

A Soliloquy


Is there a thing am not bound to in kinship?
To all things high or vile I feel a friendship.
In the coarseness of all that is base I see
A reflection of the deplorable hidden in me.

The nobility of kings I feel in fleeting moment,
Feel a tremor of their courage in me now absent.
The high austerity of sages and their askesis
Lights my brow, see too beside their nemesis.

All the sweep of men but a corner occupies
Of the vast expanses of my mind’s tapestries.
All the epics and old lores of men are alive,
In my vast muse their fadeless spirit revive.

In the termless past of life and men is my ancestry,
By my works I make passage for a divine humanity.