Posts tagged with "feel"

Axing Hours

Axing Hours

Sonnet- An Invocation to the Master

January 28, 2022

Something Thou hast removed nowIn this interval of quick skirmish,A vein or strain is gone somehow,I

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Solvitur Ambulando

Solvitur Ambulando


November 11, 2020

Each day is a puzzle begun anew,The twilight roads yet confoundBy means mundane and profoundAll that

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A Soliloquy

A Soliloquy


October 10, 2020

Is there a thing am not bound to in kinship?To all things high or vile I feel a friendship.In the co

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September 9, 2020

In my inhabiting robe I feel a new inrush,All over body and thought and feeling its pushI feel, all

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