Solvitur Ambulando


Published on November 11, 2020

Solvitur Ambulando

Solvitur Ambulando


Each day is a puzzle begun anew,
The twilight roads yet confound
By means mundane and profound
All that inhabits my daily purview.

Somedays loom a spell of clouds
Casting gloom on nerve and mind,
To myself by will I must remind
To dispel by action the surly moods.

Often the mind feels unhemmed
By the paltry brain and little body,
I feel greater in this being shoddy
By augurs of the Flame embodied.

Not to be appalled or wearily sulk
Did I vouch when the journey began,
I knew scope and stench of this span
And freely choose this appointed work.

To the forces that rejoice this skirmish
I have relayed a message bright and firm,
No doubts, no tarryings can me disarm,
For the end known and will to accomplish.

An adage quoted the Master long ago,
A salve for the boggiest quagmire,
For souls that do fervently aspire,
A mantra burst open, ‘Solvitur Ambulando’.