The Seer

Part II — Poem

Published on August 16, 2020

The Seer

The Seer

Part II — Poem

The ground he prepared for a nation to rouse,
To open eyes of those who to spirit yet were close,
A labour of will to cast in words of fire,
To singe the steel of an alien empire.
He lent his strength to the fallen hearts
Burnished their nerve and bone and thoughts.
All he touched turned alive with resolve
In slow acts their reticence to dissolve.
Then came the turn the fate’s conspired
To bind in cell he who a nation inspired.
Just when dawn could break on Bharathi’s face
Loomed in dismal clouds with angry grimace.
This ominous portend could again postpone
The free destiny of the One Spirit’s home.
Its captain now removed from directing helm
Leaderless scurried the forlorn heart of men.
Who could stand against fates and an empire
Only he who bore in bosom the high God’s fire.
In dismay for this nation and men, he said
‘O Thou who watchest over all, man and bird,
Is ours too the free flight of birds, of courage
In thought, the rightful pride to rule this age?
Must it prolong this cowering to alien heel?
My people are shackled, O Thy purpose reveal
Of this misfortune that throws me from helm
To lead my people to self-rule and spirit’s freedom.’
The nights passed and mind’s skies were silent,
The heavens quiet and the gods seemed absent.
Then quivered in the Blue Realm high above,
A stir, an irresistible Voice from the heart of Love-
Spoke it, ‘O thou who strivest to this nation wake,
Rouses it to dharma and the future’s sake,
Know thy force that moves in men is I,
Am too the fiery fire of thy heart and eye.
I wake this nation my home and my peoples,
Who of old most subtly framed my temples.
There is a greater destiny awaiting man
Hence thou art here by my divine plan. 
Be not dismayed by these methods of mine,
Trust to my words and my divine guidance.’
Then vanished the Voice behind a spirit screen
All was black again in that cell’s scene. 
He sat with new resolve to still his parts
Taught equality to his heart and thoughts,
The Voice had to be heeded of the Divine Song,
For ’twas Krishnā’s, eternal eliminator of all wrong.
Each day’s sunrise and sunset and brooding night
Revealed the cruelty of hell to his equal sight,
A ravaging set upon him with pent up vengeance,
Every trait and felled force sought recompense. 
All he bore in an endurance Himalayan
Slackened not immersion to the divine plan. 
The solitary cell turned his tapasya’s cave,
Guards to his yoga’s door protection gave.
All rules abandoned of dharma and human will
For obedience to Sri Krishna is the only yogic skill.
The worlds turned in their groove and the stars
Shimmered silent over distant human cares. 
Precarious hung destiny of nation and human race
Awaiting the divine injunction from that Blue Face.