Posts tagged with "painting"

Debts We Owe

Debts We Owe


December 5, 2020

Such paltry tokens we strenuously earnBy our ignorant labour in mortal hoursTo purchase passage thro

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July 25, 2020

A vast serenading air caressed the heart,A lute was in the breeze with dancing notes,Sweet bugles pr

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Body’s Prayer

Body’s Prayer

A Sonnet

June 22, 2020

This body is my earth,I till its soil by my works,My breath is the season’s winds,And my mind the sk

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Krishna Cometh

Krishna Cometh

A Sonnet

June 21, 2020

The din grows loud, disarray roamsIn noble attire seeding its chaos.A madness has possessed all mind

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Set Free

Set Free

A Sonnet

June 20, 2020

On a treacherous terrain of frosty slopes,Deep ravines that swallow souls and hopes,A malefic black

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A Sonnet

June 19, 2020

The dungeon gates open and spill out,A slime of forces macabre and disfigured.A coat of science they

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She, the Ancient & Ever-Young

She, the Ancient & Ever-Young

A Sonnet

August 30, 2018

A symbol name and a pictured formAll I knew of Her beyond all norm.My toddler will and fickle mindSh

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