Debts We Owe
Published on December 5, 2020

Debts We Owe
Painting by Priti Ghosh
Such paltry tokens we strenuously earn
By our ignorant labour in mortal hours
To purchase passage through roads known
To offer obeisance with hearts of ours.
Yet how all Thou approachest us each
Stooping like the Sun with a million rays
Consenting to illumine and patiently teach
To eschew the roads of our vagrant ways.
Such debts we owe Thee O Diviner,
So one sided our book of accounts
That all world offered as a flower
Outweighs not labour of Thy moments.
Pray tell what hidden fortune forgotten
Did we to Thee bequeath, what old toil
Over many lives this Thy grace begotten
To us upon this sordid, forlorn soil?
By a pinhole mind on Thee we gaze
Already too awed in stupefied wonder,
How can we hope to ever recompense
Even an instance of Thy saving gesture?
Teach us as Thou didst to the sages old
The meticulous askesis grand and subtle,
To venture a sacrifice transcendentally bold
For combusting here Thy flaming miracle.
Equip us ever for exertions large
That we may bear Thy distant hue,
Lead us beyond mortality’s marge
To dwell ever immortally beside you.
PS: Offered at the feet of our beloved Master, on this day of 5th December. To Him, Lord and Author of all we are and all we shall be, our obeisance.
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