She, the Ancient & Ever-Young

Published on August 30, 2018

She, the Ancient & Ever-Young

She, the Ancient & Ever-Young

A Sonnet

Painting by Priti Ghosh

A symbol name and a pictured form
All I knew of Her beyond all norm.
My toddler will and fickle mind 
Shivered in apprehension near this god-kind.

A prayer took shape and flew above
Would She speak that burning core of Love?
She answered then, as wordless Force
Oh but I know not words of this divine prose!

She, the Ancient and Ever-Young of lore
Scripts now my being to the very pore.
Body and breath, feeling and thought 
Shall now be only what She has wrought.

My being founded on common clod
Shall blush soon in the blaze of God.