Posts tagged with "mask"

Sliver of Kindness

Sliver of Kindness

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

February 27, 2022

To how many concessions shall I offer thanks,The ill that comes comely and masked,A little sweetness

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

October 29, 2021

Who art Thou O glory self-effacingOf masked splendours in human garb?What purpose Thine to us inclin

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Three Obeisances

Three Obeisances


January 16, 2021

Obeisance O veil, obeisance to thy covering zeal,By thy acute obstructions amplifying the lures,Mask

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A Sonnet

October 26, 2017

O Inhabitant, why tarry us with these masks?Taunting our selves with these precarious tasks?Thy magi

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