Three Obeisances


Published on January 16, 2021

Three Obeisances

Three Obeisances


Obeisance O veil, obeisance to thy covering zeal,
By thy acute obstructions amplifying the lures,
Masking thy benedictions, multiplying their force,
By thy aid surreal am flung into spaces ethereal.

Obeisance O ignorance, obeisance to thy clouded knowledge,
By thy extended guidance this terrain I wandered,
Learnt all thy pittance, thy nooses sundered,
My mind shall brood no more by thy privilege.

Obeisance O deceiver, obeisance to thy mixed parts,
Thy squint-eyed distortions and rule of misapplication,
Thy whispers of doubts and lure of bright ruination,
O usurper of progress, I cast asunder thy chains.

O triple-woe, O masks of the insidious Foe,
Gaze in my soul’s mirror and begone evermore.