Posts tagged with "form"

O Beauty

O Beauty

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master

May 14, 2022

Oh what is it that appears to the gaze nowFrom these flurry of forms a new outline,Like from a worn-

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Time’s Pauper

Time’s Pauper

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master

February 6, 2022

Oh what could I ever bring from fallen spheres,From this clay-fostered form a fit offeringIs hardly

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Human Norm

Human Norm

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 12, 2021

Who art Thou haunting being’s bordersWith an unnameable charm’s lure,Who art Thou speaking in silenc

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This Dire Sport

This Dire Sport

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

September 13, 2021

What perilous gravity is Thine compulsively luringAway from all these soil fostered beloved forms,Wr

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Pact With Me

Pact With Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

May 21, 2021

On a strange quandary I now do ponder,A niggling worm of doubt hath taken birth,If Thou didst make a

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A Sonnet

May 22, 2019

Aditi, sole Goddess, heart of the Eternal.Beyond all flux, all sustaining marvel.Tinge our each brea

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A Sonnet

April 16, 2019

On a hazy tract between dream and wake,I wandered alone in a form of aspiration’s make.A tome I clut

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Preludes to Yoga — To See

Preludes to Yoga — To See

We begin with the Isha Upanishad.

May 18, 2017

We begin with the Isha Upanishad.

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