Pact With Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #19

Published on May 21, 2021

Pact With Me

Pact With Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #19

On a strange quandary I now do ponder,
A niggling worm of doubt hath taken birth,
If Thou didst make appearance I do wonder
If my mind would offer recognition a berth.

Thou wert fond always of beguiling shapes
Wandering without care in Thy anonymity,
My sight is bound to the form that drapes
Thy hidden form luring me relentlessly.

Afford me a clue of glance or gesture,
The secret code we exchanged by hearts,
Let not jealous time to our moments near
Who with a crude pen of error ever roams.

Pact with me for a mutual oath,
If Thou deniest me Thee, Thou shamest us both!