Posts tagged with "ask"

Do As Thou Wilt

Do As Thou Wilt

Poem- In Invocation to the Master

January 27, 2022

I but asked Thee for Homer’s strainOr a wide vision all Shakespearean,Lyrical beauty of a ValmikiOr

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Who Art Thou

Who Art Thou

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

September 23, 2021

Who art Thou they asked me, muse whoPowers flight of imagination or the seerWho makes all within to

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His Coronation

His Coronation

I stood there amidst the river of humanity who passed through the palace. Smells from many lands cro

April 25, 2017

I stood there amidst the river of humanity who passed through the palace. Smells from many lands cro

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