Who Art Thou

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #137

Published on September 23, 2021

Who Art Thou

Who Art Thou

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #137

Who art Thou they asked me, muse who
Powers flight of imagination or the seer
Who makes all within to strangely glow,
Or the one who reveals, my preceptor?

Who art Thou they asked me, mentor
Counselling my passage through worlds,
Or sage who doth wisdom administer,
Tuning for ever my reaction to events?

Who art Thou they asked me, a god
Lounging upon a throne in paradise,
Who by will redeems yet untouched 
By all the grime of mortality’s ways.

And I said to them, “All these is He and more;
There is a beyond where the haloed heads
Can venture not, where their rays disappear 
Into a Golden Sun that immortally blazes.

That Sun is He by whom the stars are propped,
My Lord and Master and the Divine Beloved.”