Infernal Sphinx

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #173

Published on November 1, 2021

Infernal Sphinx

Infernal Sphinx

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #173

Many storms of flesh I have long endured
Tumultuous winds have wrecked the heart,
The mind sails are by new welter battered,
How strong the passions of life’s rude art!

Lashing rain’s share received like a sailor,
Like a miner gored the bowels of earth,
Mine nerves are taut by this adventure 
Scripted at the moment of my birth.

My causes are all I see and even none,
My sympathy extends to globe’s width,
Yet my soul lies as if nothing has begun 
Ignoring my pleas to rise forthwith!

This infernal Sphinx befuddles my fire,
Only to Thee these shall budge O Sire!