Farewell to Ego
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #206
Published on December 4, 2021

Farewell to Ego
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #206
It arrives then, the moment long foretold,
When we must part O deformed ego,
Provisional master and mentor inly beheld,
Now thy old fond company I must forego.
Patron of desire, my champion in life’s war,
How many labyrinths thou hast ventured
Alongside me, soothed many woe’s scar
That upon these pathways were inflicted.
But now comes the climb beyond mind,
The ascent ruinous to human type,
Hence I leave thee to the earthly kind
And thou must not to tail me hope.
O laureled djinn, O ingenious comrade,
No ground of sense exists out there
Where all is of heart and spirit made,
Too pure that space where all is fire.
Much to thee is owed, thy aid real
And the many intangibles uncounted
Propped my tread in body corporeal,
Oh thou wert an instrument ordained.
Yet to thee farewell, adieu to thee ego and I,
Now the ascent to His home must begin,
In this spirit-hour a soul bids thee goodbye,
Not in vain has been our long collaboration.
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