Must Thou Always


Published on February 24, 2021

Must Thou Always

Must Thou Always


What is this deceit infested den, this virtue theiving lair,
Vice’s surfeit, this liars’ convention, this revel of the doomed? 
What attraction lures all these to crowd this little sphere,
Wearing malice like a crown and vengeance thorn-sceptred?

Who helms these crooked pathways, who mans the entry gate,
A blinded will or uncaring heart or a usurious trafficker?
What rapacious hunger that all long woe will not sate,
That with a meagre mouth of ego gorges every morsel-fire?

Who pens these plots, these dramas and acts macabre,
Pitching villainy upon villainy in a gory dance of the wicked? 
What hand plays these parts, where dagger betrays dagger,
What malicious heart lends urge to limbs poison-veined?

Must Thou always deceive thus long our hearts to appraise,
Measuring our worth upon the fickle scale of the fates?