Posts tagged with "speak"

Dost Thou Know

Dost Thou Know

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

March 14, 2022

Are there withered moons pouring melancholy,As if from a worn beaker is poured stale wine?Are there

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Many Grammars

Many Grammars

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

December 29, 2021

How many grammars must I perforce learn?Gait and tread and gesture of the physical,An array of movem

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Speak Well Of Us

Speak Well Of Us


December 13, 2020

Rejoice O soul, rejoice now and forever,For we sailed through seas of many lives,Endured angry storm

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Errand Boy

Errand Boy


August 19, 2020

Do you remember Sire the momentWhence from Thee I did depart?Was I wistful, who tore me awayFrom Thy

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