Posts tagged with "season"

Be Thou Ever

Be Thou Ever

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 16, 2021

How hast Thou ripened melancholy to a savour sweet,Catalysed my aching agony to an ardour great?What

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January 13, 2021

How many vacillations have passed within,Like the shifting seasons, a severe summerOf hot labours, t

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New Birth

New Birth


September 29, 2020

A march of seasons crosses the soul’s terrain,A procession of climes not governed by the sun.Desert

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Soul Season

Soul Season


September 12, 2020

I have shed old retinues as a tree in autumn,A period of witherings governs my soul’s season.No ledg

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A Sonnet

December 14, 2017

To and fro, back and forthA steady rhythm does take birth.A season of night, a season of dayAm lit u

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