Be Thou Ever

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #68

Published on July 16, 2021

Be Thou Ever

Be Thou Ever

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #68

How hast Thou ripened melancholy to a savour sweet,
Catalysed my aching agony to an ardour great?
What alchemy of Thine is now encamped within
That new unnamed founts of hope begin again?

In a single sweep of Thy mood this my desert air
Brims with emerald oases defeating grim despair,
This bough of thorns nursed by harsh dead sand
Now blushes to a violet hue by Thy nearing hand.

The mournful elegy of winter births a new spring’s
Melodious ode, a song-room from each heart rings
With notes of my soul’s rousing anthem to love,
Fair is every season that leads to Thee somehow.

O Mystic-Sun reining my each soul season,
Be Thou ever my every becoming’s reason.