Posts tagged with "cry"

Every Fallen Hour

Every Fallen Hour

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master

May 15, 2022

The day perishes in the arms of dusk,The valiant hours bleed on the azureCrying to the moments that

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Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

April 29, 2022

Of my ills I cried to Thee and the daily travails,For balms that heal I fervently did plead,The year

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July 30, 2020

Rudra, storm bringer, lightning rider,Sky crasher, rending worlds asunder,A mounting rumble from out

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Story of an Aspiration

Story of an Aspiration

A Poem

March 20, 2018

A grand mansion of human craftBy long labour and mental art.By ambitions galore and much artificeI b

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