Story of an Aspiration

Published on March 20, 2018

Story of an Aspiration

Story of an Aspiration

A Poem

A grand mansion of human craft
By long labour and mental art.
By ambitions galore and much artifice
I beheld my dwelling, a proud apprentice.

The commons raved, the high considered
My disposition by many fondly desired.
Life was all song and coloured din
But lacked a saving truth deep within.

When the field was bare I had heard a flute
That spoke to my depths that were ever mute.
I surveyed my mansion and that lone little room
It was yet empty, housed not the lone One.

I began anew, a reverse labour to all unmake
Assiduously broke all for His sake.
In my living ruin of self-made despair
I saw emerge the steps of a leading stair.

By each blow bloomed a painful fissure
I kept at my desires with will as hammer.
My pride was defaced, the heart in grief
I yet didn’t relent, hunted every masked thief.

By all the ways and every sprouting urge
I found a darkened me resisting the purge.
These old roots were watered by me
By this birth and times I cannot now see.

Too great this work, no human hammer can do
To venture below life to the foundation true.
I searched the tomes of heroes long past
For a clue that redeems the human part.

I then despaired and raised my hands above
And cried, “O Divine Master, where art Thou?”
Something did stir, there was a distant echo
I couldn’t hear a thing, too human to know.

I sought again within, searched the deceiver
Who tainted these acts by ambitious fever.
Then the grand purge that spared not me
By surrender cleansed every cranny.

I become bare and pristine as a child
I knew nothing, only be by gestures wild.
I waited by long meaningless hours
For a saving grace and nourishing showers.

And then I cried, “Ma”, to Her far above
The Mother of all and me, that Golden Love.
Then began an unending descent of Her
By each shock of force embraced me here.

Every touch seemed to occultly say,
“Cry no more child, am here to stay
I had but kept thee here only a moment
To attend on work for the Goal distant”

Eyes grew moist, the tears did stream
I could sleep again, drift to happy dream.
Now I learn all again, from leading walk
To shining thought and revealing talk.

I shall grow up one bright destined day
And be of Her Sun a clear pristine ray.
She shall lead to feet of Him, the Golden Sun
The ‘I’ shall be no more, now engulfed by the One.