
Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #342

Published on April 29, 2022



Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #342

Of my ills I cried to Thee and the daily travails,
For balms that heal I fervently did plead,
The years passed and arrived not the balms,
I know not if my cries and pleas were even heard.

Of my aches I cried to Thee and the daily woes,
For reliefs that ease I fervently did plead,
The hours trudged and brought not reprieves,
And the heart dully beats though betrayed.

Of my anguishes I cried to Thee and the despair,
For hope I pleaded and a stray saving grace,
Yet Thou remainest unmoved as the ether,
And Thy will as stone without mercy’s trace.

What Physician art Thou dispensing not healing
To my being in shambles and sorely grieving?