Famed Dawn

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #301

Published on March 19, 2022

Famed Dawn

Famed Dawn

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #301

A little repose for the battered nerves is given,
The mind yet caught in the tremor of events,
A new balance has somehow begun 
From the clash and clamour of these days.

This siege of moments is war in all but name,
And Thou its conductor silently calculating
All the calculus of forces in life’s vast game
And I a poor variable caught in Thy planning.

Hasn’t Thou known no happier means,
Must all progress be purchased by anguish?
What use to present are luminous dreams
If after all our endurances we only perish?

Oh send me at least one famed dawn of Thine,
This night oppresses the faltering gaze of mine.