Make Me Not

Published on March 10, 2022

Make Me Not

Make Me Not

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #292

Oh make me not an empty flame mere glowing 
Like some pale pointless star on the firmament 
For what use a flame if not ignorance shedding
Or a star not be hope for love that is lost.

Oh make me not a word bearing only sound 
Like pronouncements of wills vacillating,
For what use words if Thy light is not found 
Like some empty curse without a sting!

Oh make me not a song full of low decorum
Like eyes that smile but the heart long dead,
For what use song if Thy joy doesn’t inform
Like the virtuous to their virtue blindly bound!

Mirror Thee in me on every existent plane,
Be not alone in perfection O my Supreme Sun!