I Have


Published on December 17, 2020

I Have

I Have


I have rowed the strange seas of melancholy
Friended only by the steady moaning oar,
Drifting and circling towards the magic shore
Where awaits blessed feet of divine company.

I have climbed the questing peaks cliff ridden,
Perched like a bird on those rough crevices,
Pitched my heart flame in the stony silences
And by kindling prayer the Sun did summon.

I have pursued many alchemies of the old
Forgotten times, and with incantations galore
I have raised up flames from every pore
And turned breathing flesh to living gold.

I have stood on peaks the heart dares not
Dwell a passing moment fearing the query
That rose from every babe’s lip as a cry
‘Oh why, oh why must spirit stoop to dust!’

I have pondered like the mountain stone,
In my snow-garbed heart the queries
That rack the sun-blaze and the furies
That range the earth since it all began.

I have listened with the pebble ears 
The ocean’s wailing waves and pain
Of separation from beloved silver moon,
In each crashed shore bore her tears.

I have voiced the silent cry of every thing,
Beseeching for Thy light and Thy being.