What Use

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #108

Published on August 24, 2021

What Use

What Use

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #108

What use mind if by Thy muse unvisited,
Wandering vain in thought circles
Like the vainglorious sun self-besotted
Preening forever its shining rays.

What use tongue if Thy name alights not
Upon it like a butterfly upon flower,
For such marriage is piety and beauty fit,
Wedding my lyric to Thy wonder.

What use heart as a temple deityless,
My priest-will by an empty pedestal 
Ruing the anguish of Thy absence
In the endless length of a life interval.

What Thou art to me Thou ever knowest,
Even in Thy denials I deem myself blest.