Be Thou All

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #153

Published on October 12, 2021

Be Thou All

Be Thou All

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #153

Meet Thou me in every senses’ contact,
Be the air where my muse doth wander,
Become all limbs of industrious thought
Wresting free all Thy hidden wonder!

Where there a meeting’s festival is
Decree it should ever be Thou and I;
Where reign of separation swift ends
Of a longing heart and a beloved eye.

Be Thou feathery fetcher of a worm
To my hungry crying baby beak,
In my satiated nesting I shall dream
Of my soul ascending to Thy peak.

Be Thou light alighting on my stillness,
Make my silence Thine own dominion,
Repose therein without these cares
And I shall hold vigil over Thy reign.

Be Thou all feet that are venerated,
And mine all hands to Thee thus devoted.