Who Art Thou
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #2
Published on April 27, 2021
Who Art Thou
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #2
Who art Thou, light-maned hunger
Prowling in my thoughts stealthily?
Devouring cherished fawns of desire,
Effacing each day any semblance of me
Who art Thou, maiming me with grace?
With surreptitious eyes always watching
All my excursions into the human ways
That inexplicably to Thy feet always leading.
Who art Thou, sundering heart with silence,
Annulling meaning in all earth doth bring?
Now in her book of syllables I find no use,
How must I my luminous lament sing?
Heed my words, stoop now to me,
Or I unveil Thy ways to all who can see!