Belated Wisdom


Published on February 3, 2021

Belated Wisdom

Belated Wisdom


Censure me not O thought for I did in earnest
Stand guard upon the watchtowers of being,
I manned the being’s gates and portal of heart,
Yet this mishap unparalleled the hour does bring.

Chastise me not O Nature, by thee am made,
Every precaution of human living I did take.
All the luminous affinities I did leave behind
And swore to happy labour only for thy sake.

Belated comes wisdom to never offer shelter
To strangers all luminous in our familiar night,
Now am betrayed, having been robbed bare,
How must I endure this harsh unfamiliar light.

Oh, what is this I see, a scrap with a hasty note,
Saying, “I come, I come, thou shalt resist Me not!”