Our Sons

Published on December 1, 2023

Our Sons

Our Sons

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #95

What gluttony is thine O time,
Gorging on our hero sons,
A hundred hundred lives
Whets not thy hungry whim!

Dost thou chase every flame
Splendid in their fieriness,
Consenting to bloody sacrifice,
Defiant even on gallow-frame?!

Thy deeds like a black hymn,
Bleeding faith from hearts,
Filling us with excess sorrows,
Bespoiling always our fairer dream.

Thy ruinous infinity thou hast O time,
We yet hail our sons in this lay rhyme.

PS: Written in honour of the heroes who gave their all and their very lives to free Bharath/India from the coloniser. I visited Alipore Museum in Kolkatta today. This twitter thread has more details, do check if curious.