O Earth


Published on December 30, 2020

O Earth

O Earth


Not for thy verdant beauty I loved,
Nor thy rich moist valley sprawl,
Nor the happy heart of coel’s call
Or flying joys of bright-winged bird.

The bright dawns with vermillion streak,
The grandeur of dusk and retracting sun,
And rich hearted forests of tangled green;
Not for these thee did I adoring seek.

The gurgling babe of slurry lip,
Carefree skip of the girl child
Or sweet tantrum of a boy wild,
Not these that bind me in thy grip.

Not for thy fables or epics I adored,
All thy heroes and sages too wise,
Thy bards with wondercraft of words,
Not by these of thee am I besotted.

Oh thy music, thy music inexpressible
Painted my moods with impossible colour,
Birthed a spring in my heart of winter.
Yet not for this I hold thee adorable.

I have loved thee O Earth, and forever shall,
Because He has loved thee, my Beloved imperishable.