Spirit Stair


Published on September 23, 2020

Spirit Stair

Spirit Stair


A triple-faceted gem bounded by twin immensities,
Below the abysm’s deeps, above the superconsciences.
Each gem-facet is soiled with the inconscient’s mire,
Hardly a leeway can find the leading evolutionary fire.

The five poles of facet-poise must become a whole
But stand now splintered by their adamance sole. 
A long labour of each facet-impulse’s delineation
Brings about hints of each facet’s sublimation.

Each facet speaks to the rest and they bound into its breast,
One into the many and many into the one do all reflect. 
A confluence of impulses binds body, life and mind,
But a veil of ignorance upon these makes all blind.

Of all these subtle inflexions I now grow lucidly aware,
By each such recognition I climb a rung of the Spirit’s stair.