Spirit Sailor


Published on November 18, 2020

Spirit Sailor

Spirit Sailor


All waves of tumult have subsided within me,
A steady wind is upon my sail pacing the keel,
Everywhere is a hush and a silence surreal,
Like an apparition I float through life’s sea.

I seek no favourable winds or fear angry storms,
Am at peace with sharp lightning and the thunder,
The huge heaving wave and vortex seem a brother.
I walk through this theatre of a hundred dooms.

I have cast my compass to the watery deeps
Nor gaze at the sturdy constellation’s clue,
I helm not my rudder for a shore to view
Yet by a mystery my ship its course keeps.

All mine selves have fallen one by one,
I have seen their passion light fade away
And no more to human tunes they sway.
Lone I remain of the many that had begun.

I am a sailor of many voyages over Spirit seas,
My soul holds course through these eternities.