Posts tagged with "impulse"

Spirit Stair

Spirit Stair


September 23, 2020

A triple-faceted gem bounded by twin immensities,Below the abysm’s deeps, above the superconsciences

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Preludes to Yoga — Will to Begin

Preludes to Yoga — Will to Begin

One often wonders what set us on this path. What recklessness, what impulse to adventure unmoored us

May 15, 2017

One often wonders what set us on this path. What recklessness, what impulse to adventure unmoored us

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The Four Propensities

The Four Propensities

The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Veda recognise four propensities in the evolving human in

May 15, 2017

The resemblance of this scheme to the much maligned Chaturvarna is no accident. Ancient civilisation

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