Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 3

Published on December 7, 2019

Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 3

Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 3

A Sonnet

Sri Aurobindo, by Nishikanto

But painted shadows are these the many,
All garbled song and futile meaning puny.
Like wisps of smoke from a dying candle
Too brief the shapes for truth ethereal.

Matter, fruit of an inconscient foundation, 
Is too coarse a material for His habitation.
All tremendous heaving of life and mind, 
Is but what His single eye envisioned.

In that dire and sacred hour He stood,
A boundless being His cloak did shed.
All matter inwardly in awe did gape,
At Him who his new habitation did take.

Not afar, here too close is He the Transcendent, 
Overseer and Knower, our Father and Commandant.

Note: Offered to Sri Aurobindo by us, Kali’s Brood and Murli R, on the 3rd day of His shedding the physical sheath to hasten and make feasible the descent of the Supramental in the Physical, this day of 7th December 2019.